1. Almighty God and The Trinity
    The one true Almighty God consists of and manifests Himself in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is also known as The Godhead.
  1. Creation and Marriage
    Almighty God created all things by his Word and specifically created Man in his own image, male and female. His plan for marriage is the covenantal bond between one man and one woman; this is also God’s plan for procreation.
  1. The Goodness of God
    God our Creator and Redeemer is inherently good. His goodness is manifested throughout his Creation to all persons.
  1. The Reality of Spiritual Darkness
    There is a personal, antagonistic, invisible, dark force known as Satan with finite but deadly powers and cohorts, driven to deceive mankind about God and destroy His creation.
  1. General Revelation
    Every person possesses an awareness of God and His eternal goodness; every person is intuitively aware of their need of salvation from sin.
  1. Sin
    Sin is any deviation by an individual from God’s heart and plan, in thought, word or deed.
  1. The Fear of God
    The principle attitude that leads to life, growth and maturity is the fear of the Lord.
  1. The Deity of Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ is without origin, the second person of the Trinity. He was born on earth of a virgin, lived a sinless life, vicariously died, conquered the powers of Satan, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return in like manner as He left. He can only be known through the drawing and revelation of the Holy Spirit.
  1. The Scriptures
    All 66 books of Scripture are the inspired, infallible, inerrant and authoritative Word of God. The purpose of Scripture is to present the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. The Gospel or The Good News
    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of salvation by what Christ alone has accomplished through his substitutionary death, including his stripes, his crucifixion, atoning sacrificial death and burial, and his victory over the grave.
  1. The New Birth
    The new birth is the first miracle of all that is included in the redemption or salvation of the whole person; the result of the individual hearing the gospel, seeing Christ’s identity through the Spirit, and responding with repentance and faith. This salvation is wholly by grace through faith, and also includes healing of the broken heart, deliverance from spiritual darkness, and physical healing as cited by Jesus in Luke 4:18.
  1. Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ
    Christ calls his followers disciples and expects them to place God’s word as the source of truth, doctrine, and revelation above other sources. It is an individual choice to do so.
  1. Water Baptism
    Jesus commanded water baptism by immersion after the new birth, in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and by the authority of Jesus’ name.
  1. The Church
    The universal church consists of those on earth who are born again. The local church is a geographically centered body professing Christ, gathering under God-ordained leadership.
  1. Holy Communion
    This is the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper to celebrate the Lord’s death until he returns.
  1. The Holy Spirit
    The Holy Spirit is omnipresent to convict of sin and indwell born again persons. This enables them to live godly lives and fulfill their ministry. He is the Executive Head of the church.
  1. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
    There is a second experience following the new birth, a.k.a. the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is not required for salvation but pertinent to live successfully in Christ.
  1. The Gifts and Ministries of the New Testament
    Today the manifestational gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12, the motivational gifts in Romans 12, the ministerial gifts in Ephesians 4, and all ministries as listed in 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 are available and present in the body of Christ.
  1. Heaven and Hell
    There is a resurrection of the saved and the lost, the lost to damnation and the saved to life.
  1. The Unity of Disciples
    There exists a spiritual unity among all who believe on our Lord Jesus Christ, which we are called to protect.